Saturday, July 28, 2012

How to Make Rootbeer

First let me say that I do have an affinity for slightly dangerous things and although this does not look dangerous, it can be if you forget about it.  To carbonate your rootbeer in this method you will be using live yeast and they will continue to produce carbon dioxide as long as you let them  This will make your container explode if you let it sit too long.  Darn that electronegetive force of chemical bonds and the way it accumulates in chemical reactions!!

Here is the ingredient list.  I don't measure any more, but you can use your mouth, tongue, and olfactury bulb to taste to make sure it's good.  (isn't that what they were made for anyway?  I think it's good to learn to use them)

spices (see pic below)
Yeast ( I am using active dry yeast)

So here are my spices.  From left to right Iv'e got sasparilla, sasafrass, cinnimon, licorice root, star anise, and sliced ginger in the middle.

You might use other spices if you like or have them and that's ok.  The spices and amounts don't matter all that much.  Why?  Whell do you really want this to taste like rootbeer from the store???  Think about that for a minute. 

A good way to get some interesting spices/herbs is to visit a local Pow Wow.  There are herbal medicinal sales people there who usually have some good stuff.  Of course I don't need to point out that you're on the internet right now too.

Ok so put them spices in a mesh bag.  I got this one from beer brewing, but you could also use cheese cloth or just add them in chunky style and strain them through one of those wire mesh filters.

Put the bag in some water.  Nope I didn't measure this either.  However, if you do measure, you need to account for the sugar.  If you put 2 liters of water it will be more than two liters after you add sugar.  What sugar takes up space and has mass???  Oh yes it's made of something I like to call matter.

So sweeten it up to taste.  Usually pop is pretty sweet.   You could try to give it a modern flavor with corn syrup if you wanted.

I wanted to add a bit of flavor after that bag so I put a bit more anise and ginger in it.
So then you fill up the 2  liter bottle with your sweet liquid.  I would advise against using glass because that would make shrapnel if it blew.  The 2 liter just makes a big boom and a mess provided it's not around something else.

You leave a bit of head space and pour some yeast in it.  Active dry yeast works fast. Distillers yeast will start making lots of alchohol fast.  Etc

I put my bottles in here for the night.  About 6 hours later they felt pretty firm so I put them in the fridge.

As you can see they're carbonated.  I vented them a bit just to be safe.  They should be ok in a cool environment because that will slow the fermentation. Just keep an eye on them and you're all good

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